Product Description

Supplied Size: 2kg in a handy bucket with lid.

Iron sulphate has many benefits in the garden and not just as a lawn treatment;

  • Quick “green up” of turf
  • Eradicate moss (cheaply and quickly)
  • Reduce worm-cast in turf
  • Acidifying Soil
  • Green up rhododendrons, azaleas, camillias and laurels.

Iron Sulphate as a Lawn Mosskiller

These are general guidelines, you should always consult the product label before use.

Apply in cool, damp conditions and avoid sunny days. Irrigating the lawn prior to application is never a bad idea.

If available mix the iron sulphate in a bucket with warm water to help the powder dissolve. If you are using a knapsack sprayer pass the solution through a sieve to collect any stray grains which would cause blockages.

Apply the iron sulphate in spring or autumn, 5-10g in 500ml of water per square metre of lawn. Take special note of the rate of water if you are using a knapsack sprayer.

At this rate you will also acidify the surface of the soil which will reduce worm-cast. It doesn’t kill worms they just move on to pastures new.

Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Laurels

If your Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas or Laurels are looking a little yellow and tired it is very likely to be iron deficiency. A little iron sulphate should be just the tonic to perk them up.

Mix and apply as above but reduce the rate to 5g per square metre in 500ml of water. Do not apply to the foliage and irrigate after application.