Product Description

Apple Katy is one of the newest and most popular varieties of apple we grow. The tree produces an abundance of bright red apples which are very juicy and sweet.

Apple Katy is Swedish in origin, it’s correct name is actually Katya. The tree is small, compact and when in blossom is very pretty. Apple Katy rivals many of the ornamental Malus varieties for a spring display.

Supplied Size: 1 litre pot, 60cm tall (approx), Maiden year.

Fruit: Bright red apples with white flesh, juicy and crisp.

Pollination Group: 3

Rootstock: MM106

Use: Apple Katy is an eat from the tree variety, also makes excellent juice.

Habit: Small Sized, tight habit.

Pick: Early season, September.

Origin: Sweden, 1947. A cross of James Greive and Worcester Pearmain.