Propagation by Cuttings Workshop

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We are pleased to invite you to one of our propagation by cuttings workshops that are held in our glasshouse at Whitehall Road Nurseries.

The workshop will cover many aspects of cuttings propagation and we hope it will be of interest to beginners and enthusiasts alike.

The topics that will be discussed by our propagators are:

  • Types of cutting: heel, nodal, inter-nodal etc.
  • The most successful times of year to take cuttings for various plants.
  • The use of rooting hormones.
  • Propagation media (compost to you and me!).
  • Husbandry, heated beds and irrigation.
  • The pests and diseases to look out for and how to control them.

The workshop will be 2 hours long with a gardener’s tea break of home made cakes, tea or coffee at the half way point. After this we will have a practical session where everyone will take some cuttings which you can then take home to finish rooting.

I you need to cancel we offer a full refund up to a week before the advertised date and a 50% refund from then on.

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