This is an Introduction to Micropropagation which will be held in our tissue culture lab at Hartshead Nurseries. This workshop is designed to provide the basic, beginner knowledge required to propagate plants at home using micropropagation techniques with equipment that is readily available at home (pressure cooker, large plastic box, scalpel and some plastic soup pots).
The subjects covered by our propagators will include the following and will all make sense by the end of the workshop.
- Mother plant preparation.
- Sterile working techniques.
- Collection and sterilisation of propagation material (Explants).
- Nutrient salts and hormones, their uses and effects.
- Preparation of different growing media (initiation, multiplication, rooting).
- Methods of plant multiplication.
- Rooting, weaning and growing on ex-vitro.
By the end of the day you will have divided some plant cultures, placed them on rooting medium in a culture vessel which you can then take home. Your plants should be ready to wean and plant into compost after 2 weeks.
The workshop will be 4 hours long with a 30 minute break for a bite to eat and drink which we will provide, please let me know if you have any dietary requirements.
My apologies that the price is higher than usual but places are limited to only three as the subject is quite complex and our lab is very bijoux.