Garden Centre Information

6 09, 2013

Best Apple Varieties, Bill Beardsworth’s Picks

By |2023-01-12T15:43:37+00:00September 6th, 2013|Garden Centre Information, Nursery Information|

After plenty interest in his gooseberry opinions the Governor is back with his selection of the best apple varieties from his orchard at the farm. Bill says "Apple trees are [...]

1 08, 2013

Best Gooseberry Varieties, Bill Beardsworth’s Picks.

By |2013-08-01T15:18:51+01:00August 1st, 2013|Garden Centre Information, Nursery Information|

Bill Beardsworth (The Governor) has made his selection of the best gooseberry varieties from his fruit garden at the farm. Bill says, "These varieties I find particularly suited to the [...]

3 07, 2013

Turn Multi Purpose Compost into a Professional Growing Media

By |2013-07-03T08:26:09+01:00July 3rd, 2013|Garden Centre Information, Growing Guides|

So, you have been to the garden centre a bought your £3.80 bag of multi purpose compost. Here's how to upgrade it to a professional grade growing media. The following [...]