
If you cannot plant your transplants immediately then keep them in the bag in which there were sent and store them for up to a week in a frost free but unheated location, i.e. a garage or garden shed.

Ground Preparation

Your hedge planting strip should be weed and grass free. Mulch the strip with well rotted manure or tree and shrub planting compost, and dig over/rotovate to a tilth.


Prior to planting prune at least one third from the height of your plant. Trust me! I’m telling the truth! If you immediately prune back your hedging it will grow quicker and bushier than if you don’t. On the nursery we usually prune back by at least half to encourage plant vigour and improve form. This equally
applies to container grown hedging.

When planting do not plant too deep, too shallow is less of a problem than too deep. You should be able to see the mark of the previous soil level (the nursery line) do not plant any deeper than this.


Best Native hedging plantsNothing is more important than weed control, keep at least a 12″ weed free margin either side of your hedging. At worst weed and grass will kill newly planted hedging and it will certainly reduce your growth rate by upto 90%.

Apply a weed suppressing mulch of composted woodchip or bark, then control any subsequent weed with a hoe for small hedges or a glyphosate based herbicide (Roundup is common) far longer hedges, ensure no contact of the herbicide with the leaves of your plants.